

Yang Yang chemical industry thirty strong enterprises in Jingjiang

Date:2012-11-10 15:52

To summarize the achievement, commend advanced, discuss the development plan, February 26, 2007, Jingjiang city held a comprehensive recognition of the general assembly, which is a grand meeting, also is an important meeting, arouse whole town broad masses to further carry forward the spirit of Jingjiang, with a new spirit to join the development upsurge, and constantly create a sound and rapid development of the new situation.

In the recognition of the general assembly, Yang Yang chemical equipment limited company was named" top thirty industrial enterprises in Jingjiang.

东至县| 合川市| 高阳县| 永平县| 农安县| 濮阳市| 独山县| 澎湖县| 永靖县| 磴口县| 韩城市| 栖霞市| 六枝特区| 兴化市| 祁阳县| 潼南县| 金昌市| 盐边县| 桐柏县| 那坡县| 儋州市| 玛沁县| 枞阳县| 巴东县| 宁晋县| 衡阳市| 习水县| 花莲县| 丽水市| 巴彦淖尔市| 汶川县| 龙门县| 图木舒克市| 任丘市| 溧水县| 巴林左旗| 淮南市| 青铜峡市| 明光市| 建水县| 南丹县|