


SS heat interchanger
Product name:SS heat interchanger
Product use: petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals
Product model: FB System
Price: Mail Or Fax
Date: 2012-11-15
Online consulting 

SS heat interchanger
The heat exchanger is used for heat transfer between the material . With this device so that the material can reach the specified temperature to meet the technical requirements. Using a combination of various heat exchanger, can use a variety of levels of energy fully and rationally, so that reduce unit product energy consumption, thereby reducing the cost of the product to get good value .

Heat exchanger can be divided into two categories according to the device structure namely,plate-and-frame type heat exchanger and shell and tube heat exchanger.Chip plate heat exchanger is combination of plate-fin and shell-type spiral.Shell and tube heat exchanger is a compostion of shell and tube plate devices.

威宁| 永兴县| 建瓯市| 胶南市| 台湾省| 顺平县| 乐平市| 营山县| 黄山市| 武安市| 兴业县| 丰都县| 凯里市| 大庆市| 肇庆市| 乐至县| 山东| 岱山县| 金塔县| 福海县| 贵州省| 青冈县| 融水| 科技| 云和县| 应城市| 沈丘县| 商都县| 连江县| 莒南县| 沙湾县| 巫溪县| 黔东| 安国市| 安达市| 六盘水市| 台南县| 剑川县| 维西| 英山县| 黔西|